Hamletian question

As July 31 nears the government of Tamil Nadu is faced with the Hamletian question whether to continue with the lockdown or unlock completely. The Govt. of West  Bengal has announced lockdown up to 31st August 2020. The cases in Tamil Nadu are continuously on the rise. But on the economic front, the picture is dismal.  Manufacturing and production have taken a hit. The businesses are dull. The companies are announcing a salary cut for their employees.  The purchasing power of the people is low.  In this grim situation, the government may be compelled to open up. But opening up has its problems. There are not enough beds to treat the infected patients if there is a surge due to unlocking.

But in this situation, the government has to take a decision in favour of unlocking. The buses have to be made to run. Lockdown cannot go on forever. Life of the people is more important than the disease. Dying of hunger is crueller than dying of infection. Whenever there is unlocking cases would definitely go up. Only through constant testing and precaution exercised by the people can the cases come down. Therefore the govt. of Tamil Nadu should consider opening up and ask the people to follow the precautions like wearing masks, social distancing and also increase their testing. The law enforcement agencies should be given instructions to implement these precautions strictly.

People have to learn to live with the new normal.


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