In Tamil Nadu, all parties cutting across party lines have rejected the New Education Policy 2020 stating that it aims at imposing Hindi. Opposition to Hindi in Tamil Nadu dates back to 1962 when protests erupted across the State. From then on any education policy mooted by the Central government met with opposition from the State Government. In the present Education Policy also the political parties in Tamil Nadu see a conspiracy to impose Hindi language and they swear by the two language policy ie English being the link language and Tamil. Actually, the New Education policy does not aim to impose Hindi. It has clearly stated that the local language would be the medium of instruction up to class 5 and it can be extended up to class 8 at the discretion of the State Government. If in fact there are many states which do not have Hindi as their local language. They’re also three language formula is being adopted. In fact even in Tamil Nadu in the CBSE schools or in the ICSE schools an...